#1 communication tool to engage residents, families, and your team

Features EN

Enhance communication
between residents and families


The Famileo app
Loved ones download the app on their smartphone or tablet, allowing them to easily share photos and messages. Every Sunday night, posts are compiled and formatted into a personalized newspaper: the gazette!

From digital to paper
Every Monday, the gazette is printed and ready for distribution. Residents receive a personally tailored newspaper filled with photos and messages from their loved ones.

Delivering smiles

Delivering smiles! 

Positively impact your residents' lives instantaneously.

Increase positive feelings

Families will be grateful for this convenient and adapted tool that serves to remind their loved one that they're thinking of them.

Residents feel more connected, loved, and recognized.

Community staff will form deeper, more meaningful connections with residents and families through the sharing of special moments and daily life events.

Person-centered care

The gazette provides an intimate view into a resident's life. It's a great tool to connect more personally with residents, and can be easily adapted to use as a one-to-one activity or in a group setting (to share news and photos during tea time, for example). The photos (either old or new) and messages will generate positive memories and feelings.

Accessible and simple to use

With more and more families becoming international, Famileo has worked hard to create a product that bridges the distance. 

Family and friends are able to post a message and/or a photo in just a few clicks, and include their loved one in their lives no matter the distance. The resident receives news and photos in a format that is adapted to them: a personalized newspaper that they can hold and look at daily to remind them that they are loved and cherished.

Delivering smiles

Share the great quality of
life provided in your home

Community wall

One-way communication...
The community wall is dedicated to life in your community and serves as a private and secure means of communication.

...two-way appreciation
Share news, photos and introduce new staff member more directly (and privately) with residents' families via the community wall. Families receive updates on their account. You can share news with one, several or all families.



For residents and visitors alike
Simplify your daily life with an internal newsletter that can be edited in 15 minutes with our easy-to-fill template.

Quick and easy-to-use
No limits! Create a newsletter with games and puzzles for a rainy day, one with all the activities of the month to show CQC and other visitors, a special edition for a birthday celebration to be shared with the family and resident, "meet the staff" newsletter etc.


Famileo TV box

Promote your work and share your news:
Very easy to use, the TV box allows to automatically broadcast content that has been published in Famileo onto a TV or computer, for staff, residents and visitors. You can also add the content of your choice (the video of your latest outing, your activities...).

tv box uk

Here's what professionals are saying about Famileo...

From users:
"It's a brilliant tool for me and my role. It's very helpful and it helps you to get to know your residents."
"When I have a resident who doesn't really engage and I get a reaction from them...
just getting the smiles and the laughs that you don't usually hear. That's my favorite part of Famileo."

Important reminders


A network for all families!
Unlimited users can access their loved one’s private network and contribute to the gazette.


Added perks
Every month, Famileo offers your community an activity booklet with multiple activities (quizzes, coloring pages, song worksheets, etc.)


Paper and digital 
The newsletter is available in both digital and printed format. Send out digital news to families and print it for your residents to enjoy.

Good communication

Good communication practice
Evidence that your teams provides so many different activities, value their work.